Thorough research and careful interpretations have made House of Commons Procedure and Practice a respected authority on parliamentary procedure that explains how business is conducted in the House of Commons and in committees, and how the work of members is governed. It is the most comprehensive source of procedural information available to the broader parliamentary community.
All of the material in this edition is presented with full commentary on the historical circumstances that have shaped the current approach to parliamentary business. Key Speakers' rulings and statements are also documented, and the considerable body of practice, interpretation and precedents is amply illustrated. Extensive footnote references support the text and offer additional insights into the development of the rules and practices currently used.
This third edition of House of Commons Procedure and Practice looks back at the period beginning January 2009 at the opening of the 2nd Session of the 40th Parliament, to December 2015, early in the 42nd Parliament. It offers a historical overview of how the customs and practices of our parliamentary system were developed and how they have changed.
Available in three options: Print format, ProView eBook or Combo (Print format and ProView eBook)
Editors: Marc Bosc and André Gagnon
Publisher: Éditions Yvon Blais
Released: 3rd edition, 2017
Language: English
Cover: Hard
Number of pages: 1,533
To read the ProView eBook, you will need to download the publisher’s viewing application. Note that you can use the application on a maximum of four devices.
Ce livre est également offert en français sous le titre La procédure et les usages de la Chambre des communes